
jad abdallah
1 min readApr 29, 2021

My app is called TimeScape. It’s meant to aid in remembering life events and memories, and should be especially useful to people with cognitive and memory disorders.

It will serve as both a way to remember and record events, and as a way for users to quickly and visually orient themselves in a longer timeframe, by using previously entered events as reference points.

In this app, a Rails backend works with a JavaScript frontend. They’re connected through the use of adapter classes in the frontend, which relay information related to their particular model.

For example, if you create a new event, the title gets sent via a fetch post request to the backend, where it is recognized and routed to the relevant action in the events controller.

I used object oriented JavaScript to encapsulate related code into classes.

And in terms of the database there is an events model and a memories one, joined in a has-many/belongs to relationship. One event has many memories.

In the frontend, most of the action happens in the events file. There, important DOM elements are bound to the right context for easier use later in the file, and some event listeners are set to handle user interactions with the new event form.

There are also functions to fetch and load notes from the backend, as well as to sort and render them to the browser.

